Liu Huajun

发布日期:2022-06-21 浏览次数:1031

Ph.D., researcher, IEC/TC90 expert, member of the Special Steel Branch Committee of the Chinese Society of Metals, and member of the National Superconductivity Standardization Technical Committee. Mainly engaged in research in the field of applied superconductivity, undertaken multiple scientific research projects, including the National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure "13th Five Year Plan" Construction Project, the International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor (ITER) Program Special Project, the National Key R&D Program Project, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Pilot B Special Project, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Instrument Development Project, and the National Natural Science Foundation General Project. The research work mainly includes: research on the critical performance of superconducting materials and experimental research on the degradation of Nb3Sn superconducting strands, research on the low-temperature performance of large superconducting magnet structural materials and insulation materials, performance analysis and experimental research on large in tube cable conductors (CICC), research on the low-temperature performance of high-temperature superconducting tapes, and research and development of high-temperature superconducting magnets. Published over 80 SCI papers, authorized more than 10 invention patents, and won the first prize in Anhui Province Science and Technology and Anhui Province Technology Invention.